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4722 W Grand River Ave, Suite B,
Lansing, MI 48906

(517) 646-7976

LSTYLE Dynasty Portable Flight Punch ‘Puti Punch’

Finally! A Pocket Size Reliable Flight Puncher!
Punch a Perfect Slot into your Dart Flights (except fabric or DynaStar) to accept a Stem Ring to hold your flights, tight and secure, in your nylon shafts.
Just place the Bottom of ONE Flight (at a time) into the precision Guide, secure, and Punch! Bottom Tray removes to dispose of clippin’s.

The Puti measures 1.5/8″ x 5/8″ x 1-1/4″ high (when uncompressed)
Only “Punch” One Flight at a Time!

Available in Clear Pink only


1 in stock

LSTYLE Dynasty Portable Flight Punch ‘Puti Punch’